Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday May 11 2008


Just a quick update to say that we haven't heard any firm news yet as to what the diagnosis is but we believe it to be a lymphoma of some sort. I will post the results as soon as we have them :)

Bruce is still in hospital fighting the infection in his leg. He is stuck on his bed but fortunately he has a great company sitting in the surrounding beds (long may it continue) - a tad better than the very over weight 'sea slug' he had in the bed opposite on the 6th floor who was a constant source of every imaginable sound (yes every one) and a lot of profanity which given the severity of the health of those around was completely uncalled for! Bruce will still be up there on the 7th floor for another few days - it's complicated. For anyone who may want to visit he is Auckland Hospital, Level 7, Ward 75, Room 9, Bed D. Visiting is 11 - 1 and then 3 - 8 I think - to be honest I haven't really taken any notice except for the 1 - 3 which is patient rest time and they do police that fairly strictly.

Provision Technologies (Bruce's work) have been amazing and so supportive. They are happy for him to do some work from home (VPN) with his leg up so if we could get that far right now that would seem amazing and a huge relief (I don't want to start thinking about the dollars Wilson's Parking has made out of the Bremner family over the last week). If he could work from home then he could go out for appointments and then come home to the leg up position which is not easy to do in the office.

Thank you to all of you who continue to send your love and to those who have offered help and taken Bruce goodies. At the moment we are pretty self sufficient with only Joel and myself at home but there may be a time we will have to call for help and we will let you know at that time.
Again Thank you!

Update again soon
Love Jeanette


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi there bruce - first comment coming up! Thinking of you - both of you in fact, and still waiting for that good data projection deal you promised me!!! Ha! It can wait! Love Michelle J

May 11, 2008 at 8:54 PM

Blogger Joseph Vogels said...

Bruce my friend.....what is Top Gear?
Sorry about the Siberian doctor treatment!!! I was about to email you this morning as i had not heard anything and then this blog turned up. Very professional!! You may also have heard about the Lakeland, Florida revival. It is amazing...people getting healed over the phone, TV, internet. You can watch it on your computer y'know!! Go get it Bruce!! Love you. Jo Vogels

May 12, 2008 at 12:23 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Bruce & Jeanette
SO SO Sorry I wasn't able to say goodbye to you yesterday - It was a very emotional day, but very exciting that we're moving along. So great that you've got a blog going so that we can keep up with what's going on.
You are both fantastic people, and we love you very much, and will miss you a whole lot more. Will continue to pray for you both that God's hand will continue to protect and comfort you.
Lots of love to you all
Paul, Laura & Gracie

May 12, 2008 at 9:58 AM


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