Sooner! (rather than later)
It's Tuesday and Bruce has had his first day in his new job. In prep for his job he dropped the end of a desk on his toe and broke it (not the desk) on Saturday while moving it - Go Bruce!!!! You are wondering if his toe fitted into his shoes on Monday aren't you? Well amazingly it did along with his foot! If you are squeemish don't read the next sentence! Last night he went to have it dressed and they pulled the toe nail off and put it back on using some kind of glue... fortunately they gave him a not a drink from the local! And YES the shoe still fitted on the foot this morning when he drove off to work in his company car :)
The rest of us are carrying on life as usual. The Ferguson family are down in Tauranga/Mt Maunganui having a holiday and Joel is at work. The sun is out again and so is the humidity....right now it's only the gardens and lawns that are saying YES! Dog is in the shade trying to cool down and I am too hot to think my way through my teaching programme for Unitec - Event Management....but I will by the end of the day when it cools down - promise!
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