What took you so long?
Good question. I have no plausible answer! Maybe I'm just a lazy old toad? Maybe I'm not. Maybe those of you (who by now have stopped checking in because of a distinct lack of action here) are just never satisfied! Complaints, I've had a few! (Sounds a bit like an old Frank Sinatra song!). Enough prattling already!
Had my appointment with the Haemotologist today. Really just a routine chat and a poke and a prod to make sure there are no signs of enlarged lymph nodes rearing their heads (or whatever it is that lymph nodes rear). All seems fine and under control. After all, according to the last biospy I'm 99% good... and I'm working to improve on that. I'm to have another CT scan (non-urgent) so they can compare with the last one of a few months ago. My next appointment with the Haemotologist is in February. Hopefully I'll even remember to update this at least a few times between now and then!
Other stuff...
Had a nice engagement party for Claire and Chris about 10 days go. Wedding date is set for February 6th next year. Plans are progressing quite well.
Tyler is back home with his Mum & Dad after quite a long spell in hospital. They are having to use a special pump and connection for feeding him which gets the milk into the stomach and not into the lungs. His epiglotis was often not closing and opening appropriately and so quite a lot of liquid was ending up going down his windpipe into his lungs - not a good situation!
Apparently when he starts on solids shortly, they have skilled folk who have ways of helping train his swallowing reflexes. This may or may not be enough to get him on his way successfully. We're hoping and praying that it will be effective.
Rosie has grown quite a bit (as puppies do) and is now 5 months old. She absolutely relishes her daily walks up to and around Mt Albert. It is a really great place for dogs and there's plenty of good natured dogs and their owners who all socialise freely. Rosie is very plucky and really not scared of anything or any one. She had her first up-close-and-personal meeting with some cattle tonight when we went up there after dinner. She was utterly dwarfed by the big beasts, but she just bowled up to one and sniffed its nose and greeted it cordially as she tends to do. We wondered if her herding genes would spring to the fore and find her trying to round up the herd into a corner of the paddock. We called her back before she got any such ideas.
Jeanette is on Jury service for the next couple of weeks. Got sent home today (1st day) and is hoping she doesn't get landed with a horrible sort of trial. Quite happy to do something 'not horrible'. We'll see what transpires.
And now for the comedy-starved amongst you: ...
In Denver, Colorado, it is unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next door neighbour.
In Miami, Florida, it’s illegal for men to be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.
Idaho state law makes it illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing less than fifty pounds.
In Gary, Indiana, persons are prohibited from attending a movie house or other theatre and from riding on a public streetcar within four hours of eating garlic.
In Lexington, Kentucky, it is illegal to carry an ice cream in your pocket.
In Switzerland, it is illegal to flush the toilet after 10pm.
In the state of New York, you need a license to use a clothesline outdoors.
It is illegal to die at the House of Parliament.
In Florida, unmarried women can be put in jail for parachuting on a Sunday.
Throughout England, it is illegal for a lady to eat chocolates on public transport.
In the UK, a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants – even, if she so requests, in a policeman’s helmet.
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