Saturday, November 21, 2009

Farewell - Tyler William Stewart Ferguson

Today we give back Tyler's little mortal frame. We have all been delighted to have had him on loan to us, even though for barely 5 months. Despite his pain and discomfort, he has been a real example of how NOT to succumb to self pity and grumpiness!

He has been a real little treasure and we all miss him massively. We will never ever forget him. We are absolutely confident he is in the best possible Divine care and amongst many loved family members and friends who have already paved the way.

Tyler will be laid to rest in the same plot as my Dad George and the two wee infants that Mum & Dad lost before Sue & I were born.

Reports back now from the Coroner point to a massive and very virulent infection in Tyler's trachea which would not have been recognisable even a day or two earlier. The same infectious bug had Hannah in Starship Hospital on Thursday night with a temperature over 40 degrees C. Apparently there is only one known antibiotic which can beat this bug. Hannah's fever came back down thanks to the serious IV dosage and the constant monitoring in the ER department.

Thanks to all who have sent messages of love and support and practical assistance. We really do value your prayers and love.

We are collecting what we hope will be a substantial gift to donate to Starship Foundation on Claire and Chris's behalf. Please contact us for details.

Tyler, we love you - now and always


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