Friday 1st August
Haven't updated this for a bit too long. There haven't any major developments one way or another and it has, frankly, slipped my mind at the times when I've been handy to a computer and been in a position to do anything about it. So, for those far afield (Sal) who had thought that lack of updates might have signalled problems, I'm sorry... no. I'm doing absolutely fine (with the possible exception of chemo-induced constipation 'difficulties'. I've now got some Movicol which, hopefully, will give me a good run for my money.
I'm due for more chemo (4th round) next week. I have an appointment with one of the senior consultant Drs at the Haemotology Dept next Wednesday morning. Depending on my white blood cell count on Monday, and again on Wednesday if too low on Monday, they'll do the chemo on Wednesday. If it is below the threshhold, I'll just have to 'cook' a few more days to let them build up some more (as happened with round #3).
I have had a couple more intra-venous vitamin C doses this week, and will have another on Monday afternoon (after blood test in the morning).
Life is surprisingly busy, with a few more work related things to be handling than before, but still a good arrangement working mostly from home.
A man was hospital recently and as he was coming around in the recovery room after his operation said "Doc, I can't feel my legs!"
"Of course you can't" replied the Dr "I cut off your arms this morning".
Have a good weekend.
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