Day +2
Bruce has had an ok day. As he gets lower platelet levels he has got tired but that is to be expected. Today he has continued to be nauseous too so they are plying him with tablets to ward this off which are kind of working. It comes from the cumulative effect of the chemo and the preservative in the Stem Cells. The nurse called it Anti freeze. Two more days to go to the lowest point so we are hoping and praying that things will not deteriorate too much more. I was able to get up there today with my cold seeming not to have got worst thankfully!
Looking forward to some fine weather so I can get my very bored little puppy dog out of the house. She has just discovered that she can stretch up and get things of the fire mantle piece! Oh dear - it's like having a big 2 year old in the house at times :) As Caesar says 'a bad dog is a bored dog' and he's not wrong there! Off to get my Dog Owners Licence from Auckland City tomorrow so I pay less registration fees for the dogs.
Have a great weekend!
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