Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another day at the office..

Well, not really, although I did end up there later in the day today and did about an hours worth 'in person'. While it is great having the VPN set-up at home so I can appear to the outside world exactly as if I was sitting at my desk (other than not answering that phone extension!) it is still mutually beneficial to be interacting with colleagues in the real world.

Fortunately, the orders are still rolling in. After Selwyn's inclusion of "Illegal Tegals" (i.e. native wood pigeons) in the crazy TradeMe auction mentioned a few days back, it was quite satisfying to recieve confirmation today of my earlier quotation work for the new boardroom AV system for - guess who... TEGAL!

In the interests of ADK (80k) here is another paragraph break.

Today I have continued my raft of medications at all the right times - some on empty stomach, some with food etc. Taking my temperature etc. I've been drinking heaps (as commanded) and doing plenty of what Buzz Aldrin was the first human to do on the moon while Neil Armstrong was taking his first steps (according to the Herald this morning).

The anti nausea meds seem to be working pretty well, with only an occasional very slight sensation of nausea. So far feeling fine, although aware of not having quite the stamina I'm used to. Yes, I am definitely keen to let my body get on with the major current task of getting better, rather than getting worn down over things that don't really figure in the bigger picture.

Here's another break, David!

I went to good 'ole Rob at Ponsonby Barbers today for a slightly overdue mop chop, thanks to my time in hospital and having been somewhat out of circulation. I've gone a wee bit shorter on top than usual (maybe another tribute to Buzz Aldrin?). If/when it starts coming out in clumps, I'll probably go the whole hog with my first ever #0 and a beanie. At this stage, I don't even own a beanie!

This weekend we're off to Algies Bay for the Queens Birthday long weekend holiday which will be great. I have a bunch more reading material to digest since last weekend's pile.

That is probably about it for tonight's post.



Blogger Anny said...

Hi there,

Glad to hear that there are minimal side effects, and I will continue with that prayer. Hope that the ankle clears up. Have a really good weekend up at Algies.By the way My blog name ( this is all new to me.) is Anny (Annette S)



May 30, 2008 at 12:05 PM


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