Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday 22nd of March

Nothing major to report, other than it must be high time to refresh the blog message!

Had a nice catch up a week or two ago with some of the "old" colleagues from my past life at Barfoot & Thompson. Cecil & Nancy Wong have finally decided to hang up their listing pads and hand back their Sale & Purchase stationery. They have both had a great innings and have made a lot of good friends over the years. I imagine they are more likely to re-tread than retire.

Zoe & Will's wedding went off very well. A good old catch up for a lot of friends and rellies including a great contingent from the States. The bandstand wedding venue got rained out so the ceremony was reconvened at St Matthews. The reception was at the at Ponsonby Bowling Club. I thought the abundant rain would certainly kill off any possibilities of us trying our luck on the greens. Not so! They used a cool rolling and water sweeping machine and had them ready for use not long after that. By then the sun was out and everything proceeded as originally planned. A really nice time for all.

We're still looking around to see if there is a suitable business we can buy which has potential for improving and taking to the next (upward!) level. Jeanette is very keen to get stuck in to a project like that. Some of what is being offerd at the moment is interesting, some pretty ordinary and others are simply 'saleproof'. We are trying to keep open minds and will look at all sorts of options.

If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
If bees live in an apiary, do apes live in a beeiary?



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