Monday, July 12, 2010

Day +19

Sorry for starting to get a bit slack with the frequency of the updates. I consider myself told off, rebuffed and repolished(?).

Had my first check up since leaving hospital last Wednesday in at Haemotology Daystay today. They took blood samples and re-dressed (rather than repolished) the dressing in my PICC line which was ready to be changed. The whole thing took ages as the nurses were all running pretty flat out and there were all juggling a lot of different folk each. I didn't let it get me, and hadn't made any appointiment afterwards so it wasn't really an issue. I go back in for more blood tests on Thursday.

The tests they took today indicate my counts are still rising and doing what they should. The thing I'm finding the hardest at the moment is keeping the fluid intake as high as they suggested (2.5 litres per day). Tea and coffee still taste funny to me, along with various herbal teas. Water also tastes a bit weird and is just plain hard work to keep drinking. I can only do what I can.

Over the weekend, we got a couple of coats of paint onto the new office area which has been sectioned off the back part of the garage. It is going to be a good space, about 7m x 3m looking out onto the garden. Yes, we'll still be able to fit 2 cars in the reduced-size garage - once we clear out all the clutter! Still waiting for delivery of the french doors and the sky-lighting material.

I'm certainly glad to be home rather than cooped up in the 'Grafton Hilton' even though it was certainly the place to be when I needed it. I was ready to get discharged well over a week earlier than what is typical for most patients having the same procedure. God is good.

Thanks again for all the prayers, love and support from so many. It sure makes a big difference.


A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
Always try to be modest and be proud of it!
Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.
Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity.


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