At last, an update!
Yesterday we met with the Heamotologist for my regular check-up. She seemed to be happy enough with where things are up to at this stage. Still not out of the woods, but nothing too dramatic. I had wondered if she might have wanted to put me back on the oral chemo for another round (as she had alluded to at the last appointment). Instead, she wanted to just let things settle (great news for my mangy hair!) and reconvene in the New Year.
She even suggested that I might like to do some more intra veinus vitamin C again. That was a surprise, as when I'd spoken to her about it soon after having been diagnosed, she was fairly dismissive about it and thought it was probably only an expensive placebo. I did it anyway and felt I gained reasonably significant benefit from it - though obviously couldn't rewind and replay, this time without it, in order to prove it. She said she has since seen a number of patients who have been on IV Vit C get noticeably better results and that Vit C seemed to be the common denominator.
I'm keen to go back on it again now the chemo is course is finished. Because of my type one diabetes, my body's blood sugar level fluctuates more than a non-diabetic's. Cancer cells thrive on a sugary environment which is a distinct disadvantage for me. With 37 years of practice, I know from experience that trying to keep blood sugar levels at consistently 'normal' levels is simply not possible. It is always a three-way balance between food intake (particularly carbs) and timing, versus exercise/exertion/ rest, versus insulin dose/timing/type. Just a matter of keeping all in as good a state of balance as I can. Easy! Yeah, right.
Anyway, I feel encouraged and will keep on expecting good things.
Cheers, Bruce
A recent page on my perpetual golf-themed desk flip calendar:
Richard Meisssner, a PGA Tour member, robbed banks at several Tour stops during the 1990's until apprehended and sent to jail. When it was suggested that he must also have cheated at golf, he became indignant and said, "I may be a bank robber, but I have never, nor would I ever, cheat at golf".