Latest CT scan results
Not such a rosy picture this time around - which is not the news I'd like to bring right on Christmas. Earlier this week I had my 3-monthly CT scan, then a phone call from Leanne, my wonderful Haemotologist, saying that indications were that the cancer had gotten active and had spread considerably around my stomach area. That was certainly borne out by discomfort I'd been experiencing in that region for about 3 weeks. Rather like having eaten a bit too much and also having done far too many sit-ups!
Jeanette & I met with her today for a more detailed consultation. She had more info than the other day when we spoke on the phone, and unfortunately the situation looked worse, not better than first thought. She has outlined the medical options, such as they are, which we will consider over the Christmas weekend.
I feel completely at peace over the situation and am entirely in much Higher Hands.
Lots of love,
Bruce, Jeanette and Family