Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday, Mothers Day, etc...

We've had a nice today, vegging out and visiting etc. Went out to Whenuapai this afternoon to help wish LGM a happy start to his 83rd year and wish Nola a happy Mother's Day. My Mum was tempted to come but decided to stay home this afternoon in case there was an opportunity to see Sue, or baby Wallafice. I gave her her pressie this morning. Claire & Chris & Hannah came over last night and we all had a very nice time together. Rosie & Hannah both did very well. Joel has been away for the weekend but came in a little while ago with his Mother's Day pressie.

Drove home and (fortunately) remembered to take my two evening GCSF injections. I've been having a total of three per day since last Monday. Tomorrow morning I go into the Haemotology Day Stay and they'll check my stem cell and platelet counts. If they are over a certain level, they'll send me straight out to NZ Blood by Market Rd and harvest the stem cells there and then. I have absolutely no idea where my count might be. Given the fact that they gave me enough GCSF pre-loaded syringes to last quite a few more days, and that they told me patients often have to come in for a few morning counts before reaching the required thresh hold, I'll be pleasantly surprised if I've bounced back far enough by Monday morning.

Still, things have gone very well so far. Was very 'relieved' to move beyond the constipation stage this time around. It wasn't the chemo, but the anti-nausea pills that have the effect of well and truly gumming things up. Apparently, the next combo of toxic cocktails will tend to have a moderate laxative effect. Would be nice it it is the perfect balance to the anti-nausea tablets.

Thanks, Sally, for the clip from the NZ Herald saying I was in good company - with Elvis. Only thing was that apparently his constipation was fatal!

I'll update post once I see how things transpire tomorrow.

Why is it that no matter what colour bubble bath liquid you use, the bubbles are always white?
Is it good for a man to have an hourglass figure?
Does Leslie Nielsen stay 65 forever?
Do prison buses have emergency exits?



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