Thursday, June 5, 2008

A good day...

Did a bunch of work stuff mid-morning thru to mid afternoon. More good stuff on the boil. Trip to the Navy tomorrow (old client).

Back on the voltarin tablet this morning which helped give me a better day feet-wise (it always pays to have wise feet!). I've had one tonight (pill, not foot!) with dinner to see if that gives me a better sleep. The last several nights, I've been waking up every hour or hour and a half for the second half of the night. By morning, you don't feel like you've had the proper rest value out of the night.

Thanks Hazel for the 'licence to hunt' (nothing to do with guns or furry creatures!). I hope it does the trick on the 18th.

Later this avo, I dropped off a bunch of things to 3 different friends who'd loaned me books/mags/CDs etc during the hospital phase. Yes, Richard, Lance Armstrong's "It isn't About the Bike" should be back in your hand tomorrow. A great read, thanks.

Thanks Julie and Graham for the wonderful beanie! Merino & Possum feels fantastic and is firmly ensconced on my noggin as I type!

Brent, the offer of the demo still holds. Just let me get the set-up set up!

Again, thanks to y'all for all the many expressions of help, support and friendship.


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