Friday, September 19, 2008


Had my last chemotherapy toxic cocktail today. All went well, with no hassles or complications.Yay!!!

I went over to the hospital straight afterwards and saw Ruth Penny. She is doing very well all things considered, although feeling pretty tired after the massive radiolgy dose she has just had, with more on Tuesday. Her attitude is amazing.

I did the supermarket shop on the way home. We're off up to Algies Bay this weekend, and Joel and Katie's St Paul's Cluster are all off to Raglan for a weekend retreat. The house, right as I type, looks a little like an outpost of Gilmours Grocery Warehouse! (A little hyperbole never hurts, once in a while).

My next CT scan is now set for the 8th of September to give the last chemo hit a chance. Results thus far are certainly VERY encouraging.

Thanks again for the amazing sence of support during this 'interesting' phase over the last few months. We really have felt it quite tangibly and so appreciate the love and prayers etc.

For those who liked the dreadful parrot joke the other day...

After many years at sea, a pirate decided to retire. Since he had suffered injuries on the job, he thought that he should collect on his worker's compensation insurance. He had a wooden leg, a hook where his right hand should be and a patch over his right eye. The agent assured him that he would be compensated if the injuries were work related. "How did you get the wooden leg?" asked the agent. In a booming voice the pirate replied, "Me and me mates were on the high seas when the boom swang 'round and knocked me into the sea where a shark bit off me leg." The agent replied, "That is certainly work related. How did you lose your hand?" "Well matey, me and me mates were on the high seas when the boom swang 'round and knocked me into the sea where a shark bit off me hand," said the pirate. "That's also work related. Now how did you lose your eye?" asked the agent. The pirate replied, "Well matey, I was laying on the deck one balmy day catching some rays when this seagull flew by and dropped his duty right in me eye!" "What does that have to do with the loss of your eye?" said the agent. "It were the first day with me hook!"



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