Monday, November 23, 2009

After the weekend...

The last few days has seen such a lot happening that the normal sense of time and place has been rather out of kilter.

The funeral for little Tyler on Saturday was, not unexpectedly, a pretty hard time for everyone there. However, it was a very fitting tribute and celebration of the short span of months we had spent with him, and the joy which he had brought despite his own discomfort. What an example to us all!

Chris & Claire were adament that they wanted to speak at the service. We thought that was a very brave move - especially as neither of them fancy the idea of public speaking. They were amazing both in what they said and how they said it. They spoke with such love and fondness for Tyler and with a maturity and life experience which many folk twice their age have never attained. We were so proud of both of them.

It was so sad to commit Tyler's now-obsolete human body to the ground, but we DO have a very secure hope and confidence that his present heavenly state is so much better than anything we can even imagine from this earthly vantage point. He is in the best possible company and is fully loved and cared for.

Chris & Claire want to be able to show their deeply felt appreciation to Starship Hospital for their wonderful care shown to Tyler during his many weeks there. They would love it if friends, family and supporters were able to help contribute towards a suitable financial gift to pass on to the Starship Foundation. If you'd like to help, please make your donation care of our bank a/c and we'll collate it and forward on to Starship Foundation. Our a/c number is 12-3025-0196883-00 (BWR & JH Bremner - ASB Greenwoods Corner). We need you to reference/tag all gifts 'Tyler', thanks.

As individuals and as the wider family, we are tangibly aware of the wonderful love and support of so many extended in our direction at this time. It is very special, and very important! Thank you all so much.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Farewell - Tyler William Stewart Ferguson

Today we give back Tyler's little mortal frame. We have all been delighted to have had him on loan to us, even though for barely 5 months. Despite his pain and discomfort, he has been a real example of how NOT to succumb to self pity and grumpiness!

He has been a real little treasure and we all miss him massively. We will never ever forget him. We are absolutely confident he is in the best possible Divine care and amongst many loved family members and friends who have already paved the way.

Tyler will be laid to rest in the same plot as my Dad George and the two wee infants that Mum & Dad lost before Sue & I were born.

Reports back now from the Coroner point to a massive and very virulent infection in Tyler's trachea which would not have been recognisable even a day or two earlier. The same infectious bug had Hannah in Starship Hospital on Thursday night with a temperature over 40 degrees C. Apparently there is only one known antibiotic which can beat this bug. Hannah's fever came back down thanks to the serious IV dosage and the constant monitoring in the ER department.

Thanks to all who have sent messages of love and support and practical assistance. We really do value your prayers and love.

We are collecting what we hope will be a substantial gift to donate to Starship Foundation on Claire and Chris's behalf. Please contact us for details.

Tyler, we love you - now and always

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Incredibly sad news...

Early this morning we had an awful phonecall from Claire to tell us that our dear wee Grandson Tyler had just died unexpectedly. Ambulance staff were unable to revive him. Although he has had health issues with swallowing etc, he's been (seemingly) showing some real signs of improvement - especially since he started on semi-solids.

The coroner says it wasn’t cot death but that he was sicker than had previously been picked up or known. They are doing tissue tests to try and establish the exact cause. He has been in pain all his life so has just learned to live with it. He was happy and smilie Monday and Tuesday when Jeanette was with him, although he was on antibiotics for tonsillitis. It was good news amongst bad that Claire and Chris know (officially) that they didn’t do anything wrong and had ticked all the boxes. We were already utterly confident of that. They are both exempliary parents and have been meticulous in their love and care for him and handling his feeding issues.

We will be burying Tyler on Saturday after a small family service.

Thanks so much for the many messages of support today.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Starship for Grandad this time?

On Monday 2nd I rocked up to the 5th Floor at the hospital for my CT scan. The person behind the counter was saying they didn't have me on the list for a 2:00 apptointment. I must have looked suitably surprised. They did a cross reference on my patient number and with only the merest hint of a smirk told me I was due next door at the Starship (Kids Hospital) CT Scanner at 2:00. At least I had arrived in time to get from one to the other. Apparently their respective facilities cover for each other's patients when required.

The staff at Starship were great and we joked about how old and large at least one of their kid patients was looking today. I said if I'd known it was going to be there, I could have brought my 89-yr old Mum along to keep me under control and sign my consent form.

The CT scanner looked just the same as what I'm used to, except it was adorned with cartoon fish stickers. There was a painted mural on the wall depicting child astronauts doing a space walk. The scan itself was the same old routine - no problem.

Then came the real surprise. I was presented with ... a lollipop. That never happened after any of the other CT, MRI or PET scans I've had over the last year and a half. Maybe I should ask to come back here next time?

I'll update the blog once there is any news on the scan results.

Life continues to be full and busy and generally pretty good.

Little Tyler is starting to make good progress with the swallowing reflexes now. Over the last few days he has been able to take a bottle (slowly) and thus manage without the nasal tube and pump routine. He is also enjoying early solids and seems to be getting the swallowing and epiglottus stuff sorted bit by bit.

Anyone wanting a kitten in about 6 or 8 weeks should contact Claire, as their young cat has just had kittens last night.

* * * * * * *

Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, and the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off.

You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen. It said, 'Parking Fine.' So that was nice.

A man walked into the doctors, he said, 'I've hurt my arm in several places' The doctor said, 'Well don't go there anymore'

Ireland's worst air disaster occurred early this morning when a small two-seater Cessna plane crashed into a cemetery. Irish search and rescue workers have recovered 1826 bodies so far and expect that number to climb as digging continues into the night.
