Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tempus fugit...

Oops, I have left this a few too many days. Not a whole to report on the medical front, other than I feel absolutely fine and am enjoying my work. I have a CT scan at Ascot on Monday morning (they're helping ADHB out on this one) and then my next Haemotologist appointment is June 1st. I guess this will be a catch up to review proceedings thus far, and how things are lining up regarding the business end of the stem cell transplant and get her interpretation of test results etc.

It was a great relief a couple of weeks ago to get our business web page finally operational after having had just a place-keeper up for what seems like ages. Already we're reaping the benefits. If you want to check it out, go to and see what you think. We've tried to keep things bright and breezy, fit and active etc.

Tomorrow we're off up to Whangarei to scope out the possibilities for having a Show there next April or May. There are 2 or 3 venues to check out and we just want to get a guage of where things are up to currently (not what they were 20 years ago).

Why does triangularly cut bread taste better than square cut?
Is it possible to balance a baked bean on its end?
If you made a life-sized paper plane, would it carry passengers?
Why do British people never sound British when they sing? (Unless it is opera in English).



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