The 'testing' involved a CT scan and a biopsy.
Had my bone marrow biopsy this morning. The main part of the proceedure is pretty 'uncomfortable' but it is all part of what has to be done. Despite the 'sedation' they give you (via IV) you still feel it quite keenly! They use a thick long needle to get a core sample of tissue and also take a sliver of bone for testing. As they were continuing to bore in, I nearly said "Are we there yet?" like a little kid on a long car trip. We'd had plenty of jokes earlier on during the general prep. Maybe I'll save that line for another time!
The CT scan on Tuesday went fine (they're always simple and unoffensive!). The stuff you have to drink beforehand always reminds me of the intro sequence to the Simpsons with Homer and the bit of radioactive stuff.
I had expected them to include the top of the tibia bone (just below the knee) to see if they could still pick up cancer cells there - as that was the 1st place we discovered anything originally. They pointed out that a standard X-Ray was better for that particular purpose, and chose to ignore the Haemotologist's request for that area. Today, after the biopsy, I went over to Radiology at the hosptial where they popped off a few X-Rays of the tibia - top, bottom, ankle and knee. I got my moneys worth!
My appointment with the Haemotologist next Friday morning gives time for all the test results and imaging etc to be complete and in her hands so all the data is there to make assessments etc. Depending on where my white blood cell count is up to by that stage, the next (#5) round of chemo may happen after that, if not, they'll probably let me 'cook' for a bit longer over the weekend. The white cells need to be over the required threshhold before bombing my body with the next toxic cocktail.
I'm still feeling very good and chirpy in general terms. Tonight, I've just found out, I will be home looking after Hannah. Claire has been very unwell, and was in hospital a couple of nights ago. Jeanette & I were both going to her sister Carolyn's 50th Birthday bash tonight, but now it will just be Jeanette. I've penned Carolyn one of my somewhat infamous birthday poems, which I'm reluctant to send and risk someone else making a mess of reading it, even though it would be appropriate for the occasion.
Why is it that people say they 'slept like a baby' when babies wake up like every two hours?