Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday, Monday (again)...

Started the day by watching the final of the UEFA cup soccer at 6:45 am. Great game. I was backing the Spanish, as I thought they were the underdogs. Glad they pulled of a good win. I guess with the family connections, I could have cheered enthusiatically for either or both sides and had a bob each way. A no-lose win-win situation!

Ended up having to take Hannah (and Claire) to the Dr this morning, so took the opportunity to have my regular Monday bloodtests done next door to the Dr and the chemist as West Harbour. When I went into the side room to have my blood taken, Hannah wanted to know what was going on. Claire said it was my turn to see the Dr (nurse), whereupon little Hannah voiced her concern for "Grandad's yowee on his leg". She was very concerned about it when I was in hospital too. After I was done, we then retired to a cafe to give Hannah a 'fluffy'. Claire and I passed the time with a hot chocolate and flat white respectively.

Did some work correspondence/emails etc and later in the afternoon went to get my next intra veinous 'hit' of high dose vitamin C.

Everything still going well in all respects. No infections despite my low immune system at this stage of the chemo cycle. Should be on the rise again now as the bone marrow cranks out more white blood cells over the next week and a half.

All good,


Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday already again...

It has now been just over a week since my 2nd chemotherapy treatment. All still going really well from where I sit (or stand). About now (day 7 - 10 after chemo), my white blood cell count will be bottomed out and my immune system will be at at its lowest. It will gradually build back up to around normal in time for the next treatment round. Despite a reasonably high chance of infection encountered yesterday, all seems to be 100% and no rises in temperature or other warning signs have surfaced.

I'm hoping the weather will be a bit less stormy tomorrow, as I have a few outside jobs I'd like to deal to. In the afternoon, we're off to a mid-winter Christmas party at Diz & James's which sounds like fun. Sunday afternoon is our regular monthly family day with Jeanette's clan.

Thanks again for your expressions of support.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday 25th June 2008

Hi again,

All continues to go well at this end. Nausea under control. Feet/ankle area pretty good (no limping now) and generally feeling pretty good overall.

Today I had some issues with my VPN hook-up to the office which didn't seem to want to play ball. After trying a few different methods to successfully hook in to the office system, I left it for a while. Later, I tried again and managed to succeed - handled the emails etc that needed to be actioned.

I had to do a return trip to the Shore today to retrieve my demo power cable and multiboard (1st time in 8 years I've ever left it behind after a demo!). Well, at least it wasn't my marbles I'd lost! (He said hopefully!).

Am enjoying starting to get to grips with ProTools music recording software, although I readilly appreciate there is truckloads to learn. Managed to get a multi track audio recording happening pretty quickly. Just now (tonight) having a look at the MIDI side of things. One of these days I might even save some stuff and make it available for any who want to have a listen. Email me if that would be of interest to you.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, Monday...

Another good day today, feeling pretty good considering. Pain in feet continues to retreat (by not taking the Alipurinol). Blood sugar levels are better than with last round of chemo by continued higher insulin doses. My last lot of prednosone (for round 2) was this morning, so the insulin reducing effect will wind down again over the next couple of days.

I did some erands this morning and went to work this afternoon. Did an appointment over the Shore, and some other correspondence. Tomorrow, I'm back into the office for a meeting/lunch gig.

All the best,

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday back home in Auckland...

Had a nice relaxing time up at Algies Bay again this weekend. Weather was pretty wet and stormy with some shorter patches of sun and calm, but it really didn't matter - except when we went to Matakana to have a poke around the Farmer's Market and shops etc.

The sea looked very cold and rather uninviting as we looked across the Kawau Bay area. At some stages, we couldn't even see Kawau Island (or even Rabbit or Goat Islands) because of the stormy stuff.

The chemo has had less of a draining effect on me this time around it seems. Possibly getting on top of the increased insulin doses required (due to the prednosone) early has helped this time. Little touches of nausea from time to time, but the drugs seem to help control that. I've been popping all my meds at the right times which also keeps things on track (Not that I didn't last time around!). I'm taking life fairly quietly, but feel a bit more like my normal self this time.

Have pretty much gotten used to being a baldie - not getting so many frights when I catch myself in a mirror or shop window reflection! Trouble is, I'm forgetting that folk who know me are doing double takes and having to get used to it! All good fun!


Friday, June 20, 2008


End of the week. All is going well thus far with treatment #2. A little bit of nausea and slightly lower energy levels, but going well.

Today I popped into work and modelled my new haircut while doing a couple things I needed to attend to.

Then I went back to the Doulos and bought some more books from their bargain tables.

Had lunch with Dad Maskell and had a good chat for a good while. Took Mum to the shops for the weekly pantry top-up.

We're just having dinner now and will shortly leave for Algies Bay for another blob-out weekend which is a great privelege.

The feet are still improving, though still a bit swollen, and I'm keeping off the Alopurinol meanwhile, as that may have encouraged the problem.

Joel took some photos of me this morning which will have to wait until next week to go on my Facebook page. I thought a going, going, gone! sequence may be appropriate - one with a stupid play wig; one normal (short and thining) and one as is now. (Eat you heart out Ivor J!).

Thanks again for you love and support.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Second R-CHOP chemo went well today...

The day started with a perfect carpark opposite the Haematology Day Stay building! Thank-you!

Had check-up appointment with one of the haemotologists at 8:30 who was very happy with my progress thus far. Lump free already - groin and shoulder, and able to literally hit my leg where the biopsy site was without causing pain. The tumour cells underneath it, which had brought our attention to this whole scenario, seem to have been dealt a blow with the 1st round of R-CHOP.

My white cell count was still a bit low as of last Monday's weekly test, so they did a fresh one this morning before starting the chemo. It had bounced up to just under average, so all clear was given to rip into it again.

All went well, with no dramas or any of the range of side effects which can apparently occur (difficulty swallowing; neck swelling; rashes; nausea etc). Again, big wraps to Tracey and the other great nurses there. Top line care and expertise and friendliness.

The pain in my ankle is significantly better and has been steadily improving over several days. No limp at all now! Still a bit of swelling in both feet/ankles but I can accept that meanwhile. Hopefully there is no reoccurence in that department.

This weekend, we're off up to Algies Bay (again) for a nice relaxing blob-out again. I have a couple of books I want to hit, plus I'll take my newly purchased boxed set of The Prisioner DVDs (old 1967 TV surreal drama show starring Patrick McGoohan set in crazy/quaint Welsh seaside village).

Again, thanks so much for the many messages of support and the obvious answers to the prayers of many.



Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bald as a Badger...

So, I finally know what it is like to sport a 'number 0' haircut. It is noticably colder! Also noticably less maintenance; less shampoo; and less hairy! Still doing a double-take when I see myself in a mirror or reflected in a shop window. Rob at (the Ponsonby Barber) gave me the number 0 this morning. He literally "gave" it to me, at no charge. Jolly decent of him I thought, seeing he probably won't see me as often for the next few months.

Today I went by train (to avoid parking problems) into the city and had a good look over and through the Doulos - the 1914 ship as mentioned in yeterday's blog. A great old boat - literally. I enjoyed the nautical aspect of the day, and also enjoyed the train rides - a novelty for me not to be driving.

Tomorrow morning is round 2 of the chemo. Hopefully all goes well with the treatment and especially the next few days. We plan to be away again over this weekend so can just blob out as per last time.

Thanks again for the kind words of support, prayers and thoughts etc.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More Dr's check-ups today... all good!

Hi Team,

I was due for next (2nd) round of chemotherapy tomorrow (Wednesday) but it will now be a day later (which by my calculations should be Thursday).

Today, I had my annual Opthamologist (eye specialist guy) check-up to make sure I don't have any troublesome levels of diabetic retinopathy (Google that only if you're obsessive!). He said I'm still in good shape, and still with no significant changes or deterioration in the 7 years since I 1st saw him.

I also went to see Phil my GP who I haven't seen or spoken to since the early results were comming in roughly a couple of months ago. Of course, the Hospital and specialists have kept him in the loop all the way through. We had a good catch up and even a good natured 'contest' with the scales! I got a scrip to redress the imbalance in my consumption with the fast acting insulin, which I chewed through much quicker than usual in the early stages of the 1st chemo cycle.

Over the last few days, my hair has finally been losing its grip with my scalp. I said to Jeanette that I was starting to feel like the old moth eaten elephant in the Auckland museum. Better to go for a chrome dome than patchy wispy stuff I reckon! I went to the barber today to finally submit to a number 0 buzzcut. Having psyched myself up for it, I got there to find he was closed for the day because of a funeral. I'll try again tomorrow. I also want to go and have a look over the MV Doulos currently docked downtown. She is the oldest passenger ship still in use today (built 2 yrs after the Titanic).

So, all still goes well at this end. Feel free to drop me a line:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday, Rainday...

Sorry to be a bit remiss in updating the Blog over the last couple of days.

Friday night was a great long-overdue catch up with WBB Steele. She introduced us to the Juju Orchestra - Bossanova is not a Crime, and Pink Martini - a great Latin band which she is seriously addicted to. Swapped some musical ideas around on the OASYS. A good time was had by all. On Saturday I tracked down a shop selling Pink Martini CDs and bought "Hey Eugene"which so far sounds pretty cool.

Also on Saturday, I finally had success tracking down a copy of The Prisoner DVD box set (ancient somewhat surreal classic 1967 British TV programme which starred Patrick McGoohan - set in a quaint little Welsh village). I'll probably embark on the series during or after next chemo which starts on Wednesday.

I even did the lawns late on Saturday afternoon which went OK - a bit of ankle pain by the time I finished. Stewart E blew me away when he came over with a big trailer load of firewood - demolition Rimu 3 x2 and Kwila decking etc. My woodshed is full agin! Thanks mate! We're burning it as I type.

Yesterday afternoon, Jeanette picked up Hannah who came and stayed overnight. We enjoyed her company (as usual).

Unfortunately, time has been agin me as far as the ProTools department is concerned. The computer is all set-up and succesfully configured on our home network. I have just loaded ProTools but as yet haven't recorded anything. Watch this space.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Exciting gear arrival...

Sorry for those who looked last night and saw I'd skipped doing a fresh post. Oops!

The pain in the feet continues to improve on what it has been. Still not normal, but easier to cope with than before.

This afternoon, the courier dropped off my new computer ordered last week (for music recording purposes) which is still sitting in a pile of boxes taunting me! I'm about to leave my desk and go and set it up and then install the MBox2 ProTools system so I can get recording. It could be a 'late one' tonight!!!

The anticipation is driving me nuts! Bye!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Another good day...

Glad to report the pain in the feet (not the butt!) was noticably less this morning when I woke up. Bearing in mind this was about 10 hours after the last lot of medication, I took this as a good thing. Still some pain and discomfort, but certainly less than I've had recently.

Had a good day actioning a bunch of work related stuff and then out and about later this afternoon. Picked up Claire's birthday present. Dropped of Richard's long overdue copy of Lance Armstrong's book (great read) plus a nice cuppa and catch-up. Picked up ProTools MBox2 Pro Factory (for those who have no idea what this is or means, that is fine. For those muso's that do, standby for great things in a few weeks!!!).

Tonight we've got our 1st cell group in about 2 months. Looking forward to catching up etc.

Thanks again for the many expressions of love and support. Cheers

Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday, Monday ...

Another good day. Went off for my weekly blood test this morning which will monitor where my white cell count is sitting. Hopefully it is on its way back up by now, with the next (2nd) round of chemotherapy due in about 10 days.

While I sat in the Medlab waiting room, I thought I might try another branch next time, where there are less (sick) people all bundled into a pretty tiny waiting room. With my immune system currently lowered, it is a bit of a risk I think I might drive out of my way to avoid.

Feet are (maybe) a bit better today. Otherwise, all good thanks!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Good Sunday...

Had a nice day today. Feeling 97% normal. Good to catch up with the good folks at St Paul's. Good talk Mike. Nice work Andy and fellow muso's. Thanks Kev, Rich and Murray for your prayers. Right on target I believe.

Had a great lunch/afternoon at Aunty Pat's place enjoying one of the best possible views of Auckland with a bunch of cousies and spouses. Really nice afternoon. Nice catch-up and plenty of laughs.

Back home to light a much-needed fire (now very warm and cosy) and watch Top Gear. All good.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Another good day...

Saturday has been busy, charging around with a multi-generational car load (Mum, Jeanette, Claire and Hannah). Slept pretty well again last night. No temperature scares (signalling an infection). Feet still a bit dodgy but manageable.

Tonight, Stuart and Linda Eadie are coming over the fence to watch and see whether or not Henry's new ABs can do the business convincingly against the Irish. We'll see.

Friday, June 6, 2008

TGI Friday...

Had a much better sleep last night with the help of the voltarin. Only one wake-up, not half a dozen. Sounds like a good idea for tonight as well.

Today went well, with a visit to the Navy and a few hours of other work-related stuff. Also checked up on our Install Team who are on the home straight of the nice new AV system we're doing for North Shore City's council chambers. Well done Geoff P on the 100% AMX score! What a legend!

My planned trip over to Meadowbank & St Johns foundered (one more time) - sorry Richard and Suresh!

My still-swollen feet didn't enjoy being in 'work' shoes today and noticed the extra pressure. Lesson learned! Sally, I liked your line -

Pain was invented to stop us using a body part until it repairs so I guess you still need to respect it if you find yourself saying, "Ouch."

Yes, Nursie!

That's enough for tonight, stay tuned for tomorrows next enthralling and utterly rivetting installment!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A good day...

Did a bunch of work stuff mid-morning thru to mid afternoon. More good stuff on the boil. Trip to the Navy tomorrow (old client).

Back on the voltarin tablet this morning which helped give me a better day feet-wise (it always pays to have wise feet!). I've had one tonight (pill, not foot!) with dinner to see if that gives me a better sleep. The last several nights, I've been waking up every hour or hour and a half for the second half of the night. By morning, you don't feel like you've had the proper rest value out of the night.

Thanks Hazel for the 'licence to hunt' (nothing to do with guns or furry creatures!). I hope it does the trick on the 18th.

Later this avo, I dropped off a bunch of things to 3 different friends who'd loaned me books/mags/CDs etc during the hospital phase. Yes, Richard, Lance Armstrong's "It isn't About the Bike" should be back in your hand tomorrow. A great read, thanks.

Thanks Julie and Graham for the wonderful beanie! Merino & Possum feels fantastic and is firmly ensconced on my noggin as I type!

Brent, the offer of the demo still holds. Just let me get the set-up set up!

Again, thanks to y'all for all the many expressions of help, support and friendship.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

6hrs at the Office toaday...

I had several things which I needed to do while physically at the office, not just 'pretending' to be there. I was, frankly, quite surprised at how long it took to do so little! I had a few issues with the old desktop to which my VPN (home) link is made. An hour - gone! Anyway, it was good to catch up with the troops. Another boardroom refit 'came home to roost' while I was there, and there was plenty of other paperwork to write up.

My feet are a bit sore tonight, and I look forward to getting past this particular side effect of proceedings.

Blood sugar is now back to normal ranges now that the prednosone effects have tailed off as far as insulin-resistence is concerned. This certainly makes life easier than what I had late last week and into the weekend.

Still no high temperatures which is good news!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Back home again...

The weekend was a nice break. Weather was much kinder than the forecast suggested. The Algies Bay Yatch Club were obviosly frustrated with the 1st two days of their 3 day regatta, with an almost total lack of wind on Sat/Sun making it the proverbial 'drifting contest', and finally on Monday they got about 5 -10kts.

I'm now finsihed the prednosone part of the 1st round of chemo. It certainly does mess with my insulin requirements. Over the weekend, I had a bit of a battle trying to get/keep the blood sugar down to anything like normal range. Consequently, I went very light on carbohydrate intake and was feeling a bit hungary - along with the bit of nausea.

Feeling better today (Tuesday) and about to go off for a round of wekly blood tests. The ankle is finally starting to feel a bit better, although it is still a bit touchy when first putting weight on it.